Changes are Coming. Announcements

Regular visitors to this site might notice the header bar looks a jot different. The Manga Read Along Archive is gone, and I will explain why in a bit. I’ve dug through the blog archives and deleted off a lot of content related to announcements for time sensitive events and offers that are long over, things that never got much traffic, and all posts relating to the manga read alongs. For the time being, consider this website under construction.

More stuff may disappear in the coming weeks including my defunct parody blurb series, TGIF NSF. I’ve decided that I need to transition the platform from its currently chaotic blog form and to a more traditional static website, and I’m still deciding what content (if any) I’ll keep.

But why Vivi, you might ask? You did so many Manga Read Alongs and some of them got pretty decent traffic. Why nuke more than 50 posts? Because they were the wrong kind of traffic, and this was ultimately damaging to the site’s SEO. After taking a hard look at metrics like where the traffic was coming from etc., I came to the conclusion that very few people were actually looking to read volume summaries for out of print manga. The majority of these visitors were looking for pirated comics and were clicking away fast when they weren’t finding that here.

As for the other things, I said earlier this year that I was mentally exhausted, flirting with burn out, and determined to slow down and take it easy. I’ve been trying to follow my own advice and get rid of things that take up too much time and effort while giving little of value back to me. I’ve been experimenting using platforms like Facebook and Instagram and have discovered that they move at too fast a pace. Stuff gets buried before it can ever be seen because the churn of content is constant and rapid. Too many accounts seem to be posting the same thing over and over because you can’t post something once and hope to have more than a tiny fraction of people seeing it before it just becomes another droplet of water in a deluge – swept away into the sea of data never to be seen again.

I decided I need to pull away from all these different platforms and centralize. Create one hub. One static place where I can organize information, post it once and it stays put. So expect some changes around here.

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